<p>The fundamental purpose of a synthesis essay is to explore a particular question by analyzing, synthesizing and, comparing several sources. The main essay argument cannot be based solely on your own opinion &#8212; you&#8217;ll need to find some sources to explore the question. Depending on the essay topic, you will need to comment on them, criticize them, and agree or disagree with their authors&#8217; position. You can also cite some stuff from them but do keep in mind the correct citation format. Consequently, this synthesis essay guide provides you with instructions on how to write an essay based on your own interpretation of the sources you are going to use. What is a Synthesis Essay? Before you start writing, make sure you know what type of academic paper you&#8217;re going to be dealing with. What should a synthesis essay definition look like? Generally speaking, synthesis is a paper based on several sources, in which the author attempts to infer relations between them. Writing a synthesis essay would be impossible without actually understanding what the sources are all about. <i>This post was created with Essay Writers .</i></p><br /><br /><p>In other words, before you start writing, you should spend some time studying the sources you are going to be using. You can briefly describe each source before determining a connection between them. However, simply making a summary of each source cannot be considered synthesis writing. You should draw a conclusion concerning each source and evaluate them critically to be able to make judgments. The format of a synthesis essay depends on the style chosen by your professor, so be sure to follow their recommendations to the letter. The field you are researching also impacts the style, and if it is Education, you may be asked to write in APA academic style. You can also find more info about each style by going online and googling the three basic formats - APA, MLA, and Chicago. Do keep in Term Paper Writing Secrets that each of them has their own unique features. Now let&#8217;s focus on how to start a synthesis essay.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>You should begin your writing process by reading the sources you&#8217;ve been provided with and making notes. Once you&#8217;ve gained enough knowledge of the sources, you can try to come up with a topic idea (unless your professor gave you one). If Synthesis Essay: Writing Guide With Synthesis Essay Example have a topic, you can start making an outline and composing a thesis statement. Your essay should have at least five paragraphs, the first and the last ones being an introduction and conclusion respectively. The paragraphs in between them will be what they call the &#8216;body paragraphs&#8217; or &#8216;central&#8217; paragraphs. How to start a synthesis essay introduction? There are multiple introduction techniques you can use to write an essay. The choice of them may depend on the topic and the field of your study. First of all, you should understand what topic you want to write on so you could come up with relevant topic ideas. Tell an anecdote or story related to the key idea of the essay. Express a provocative idea related to the essay topic. Provide a quotation. Apart from citing your essay sources, you can also quote the books you&#8217;ve read, or your friends and relatives. However, you need to make sure that the quotations you use are somehow connected with your essay&#8217;s topic. Start with a question you will be answering in the essay. Where should I put my essay thesis? The thesis should be written after you &#8216;hooked&#8217; the readers and provided them with a brief topic outline. Do I need to cite sources in the introduction? Try to avoid any quotations in the introductory part (unless, of course, you provide quotations to hook the readers and lead them to the topic).</p><br /><br /><p>The essay introduction is where you first draw your reader in with a strong hook sentence. Next, you provide context (background information) on the history and importance of the issue. You should finish this paragraph with your thesis. The intro starts with your hook&#8212;a sentence that grabs the reader&#8217;s attention. If fans fail to love the Star Wars prequels, then they are simply not true Star Wars fans. Learn more about writing effective hooks. You&#8217;ll be discussing the issue at length in your body paragraphs, but your reader needs an introduction to the key elements of the issue. What is the history of the issue? Why is it important now? Who does the issue affect and why? The thesis is the main claim/argument that you&#8217;re making in the essay. Synthesis Essay: How-to Guide For Beginners (with Examples) &#8217;s the official stance that you will support throughout the rest of the paper. It should be one to two sentences and should make a specific claim that introduces the topics of the other supporting claims you&#8217;ll write in the body paragraphs.</p><br /><br /><p>Despite the ongoing arguments over this trilogy, on the merits of cinematography, artistry, imagination, technological feats, and canonization, the Star Wars prequels are nevertheless great films. Depending on the required length of your paper, this section should be about three to six paragraphs long. That&#8217;s one to two paragraphs per claim. A claim is a statement you make that supports your thesis. This is a great place to apply logos and pathos to your synthesis. Between practical set design and digital effects, The Phantom Menace is visually groundbreaking for a film made in 1999 when CGI was still in its infancy. You should have at least three supporting claims in your synthesis essay outline. Devote one to two paragraphs to each claim in your essay. A claim is nothing without support, and there are two things you need to do here in order to successfully support your claims. This is how you&#8217;ll support your claim while also showing your teacher how well you can draw connections between the sources and your stance on the issue.</p><br />

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