In this post, I analyze the essay questions for Wharton for Fall 2013 admission. You can find testimonials from my clients admitted to Wharton in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 here. Wharton has again changed both its essays and has a new approach to interviews. Wharton is a relatively essay set to start with. Given all the changes that have taken place this year with top school's essay sets, Wharton looks like a relatively good school to start with. This year, most of my clients are starting with Columbia, Wharton, or Stanford. The required question for Wharton on your professional objectives/Why Wharton is a very standard question and so is Essay topic 3. Essay topics 1 and 2 are rather Wharton specific, but not completely without potential recyclability. In the preface to the Class of 2015 Essay Questions, the following is stated:The Admissions Committee is interested in getting to know you on both a professional and personal level. We encourage you to be introspective, candid, and succinct.

Most importantly, we suggest you be yourself. 1. Provide both personal and professional content. Personal content can be expressed in academic, personal, extracurricular, and even professional contexts. [[|Effective Papers: December 2020]] giving insight into who you are as person and not just what you know or what you can do. Professional means providing Wharton with a clear understanding about your capabilities in a professional context, about your ability to overcome challenges and/or accomplish something. 2. Be analytical, not merely descriptive. [[|MBA Essay Samples About Leadership]] is very important that you engage in a sufficient amount of interpretation of your actions and not merely a description of what you do. Your objective is help guide your reader's interpretation of what you write, so that they perceive you in the way that you intend. 3. Make sure you are stating things as briefly and effectively as possible. Don't waste your words. Use them carefully. Keep your essays within the word count.

This data was generated by [[|Essay Writers]] .

That is what "succinct" means! I advise all my clients to stay within the word count these days. A few years ago, 10% over was no big deal, but given the general focus on shorter essay sets, I see no point to giving Wharton more than they want. Required Question: How will Wharton MBA help you achieve your professional objectives? If you are having difficulty determining what your goals are and/or why you need an MBA in general, please see my analysis of Stanford Essay 2. In that post I provide a detailed method for thinking about goals and need for an MBA. What do you imagine your professional future will look like? You need to give Wharton admissions a very clear image of your future. [[|Effective Papers: March 2020]] suggest including a clear post-MBA career goal and a longer term vision/goal. A purely abstract dream or visionary statement could easily come across as unrealistic or ungrounded if not handled carefully, so be relatively specific about the short-term. Career changers (those planning on changing industry and/or function after MBA) should explain why they want to change their careers and how Wharton will enable that.

Career enhancers should explain how an MBA will enhance their careers to continue along the pathway that thy are already on. Keep discussion of your past experience to a minimum unless it directly explains why you need an MBA or what your goals are. The question does not call for a summary of your professional experience, so you need not provide one. You should surely refer to your past experience in order to explain what you want to do in the future, just keep in mind that this is not the place to describe your past experience, but only to analyze it. Let your resume and application provide those details because you don't have the word count for them here. What motivates your professional objectives? That is to say, why are these your objectives?